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Canadian Province - British Columbia

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Canadian Province, British Columbia map

British Columbia is a Province on the west coast of Canada in a region called the Pacific Northwest. It is made up of about 223 million acres (364,800 square miles or 944,000 square km) with more than 17,000 miles (27,000 km) of Pacific coastline, including thousands of coastal islands. The tallest mountain peak is Mt Fairweather at 15, 298 feet (4,663 meters). The largest lake is Babine Lake at 122,317 acres (191 square miles or 495 square km).

The Provincial bird is the Steller's Jay, the Provincial tree is the red cedar, and the Provincial flower is the Pacific dogwood. The tallest tree is a sitka spruce called the Carmanah Giant, which is 314 feet (95.8 meters) tall.

The northern 2/3 of British Columbia is mountainous with some prairie (in the east). Northern British Columbia has few people and is relatively undeveloped. Most people live in the southern cities like Vancouver.

Forest covers more than 60% of British Columbia. This amounts to about 149,000,000 acres (about 60,000,000 hectares).

British Columbia has 74 million acres (299,000 square km) of boreal forest where more than 1,000 boreal woodland caribou make their home. It is the breeding ground for more than 170 species of birds. As many as 150 million birds breed there each year.

British Columbia has many kinds of wetlands including: bogs, fens, marshes, swamps, estuaries, salt marshes, wet meadows and scrublands. Bogs are wetlands with nutrient-poor soil and include peatlands, shrubs and some trees. These are acidic ecosystems where a water-filled basin, because of slow decomposition, gets filled in by peat and other vegetative matter over time. Fens are more mineral rich than bogs and form along floodplains or the edges of lakes and ponds. Marshes are wetlands with emergent (rise out of water) soft-stemmed plants (no trees). The water levels may vary throughout the season and they are mineral rich. Swamps are forested wetlands with varying water levels including flowing water. They are mineral rich. Estuaries are intertidal ecosystems that receive tidal flooding, so have salt-tolerant plant life (halophytes).

Wetlands are very important habitats, but until recently, they were thought to be of no use to man. Wet and buggy, they were considered wasted land. Developers drained them, filled them in with tons of soil and built houses, businesses, roads, farms, airports and parking lots. We now know that wetlands are actually very important natural communities. They stabilize shorelines and protect the land from storm surges and flooding. They act as filters for pollutants that run off the land from farms, towns and cities. They provide valuable wildlife habitat.

In British Columbia, wetlands are home to more than 300 species of birds, fish and other wildlife. The Pacific Coast is a vital flyway for millions of birds - shorebirds, waterfowl and others – as they make their way between breeding and winter habitats. Yet, wetland only cover about 6% of British Columbia. It is thought that since 1800, about 15% of Canada's wetland have been lost to development (this compared to the loss of more than 50% of the wetland in the U.S.).

Scientists break down British Columbia's natural communities into "Ecozones."
From the Pacific Ocean moving inland – including the coastal waters, rivers and fjords of the British Columbia coast – is the Pacific Marine Ecozone. The coastal waters are protected from Arctic temperatures by the Alaskan Peninsula, so the coast is relatively mild with some coral reefs, seaweed beds and coastal marshes. Sea otters, northern fur seals, northern sea lions, long-snout dolphins, right whale dolphins, pacific white-sided dolphins, Pacific harbor porpoises, Dall's porpoises, killer whales, sperm whales, gray whales, fin whales, minke whales, blue whales, and pacific right whales are all found here.

Along the Pacific coast, the Pacific Maritime Ecozone includes the coastal islands and inland about 125 miles (200 km). The coastal mountains keep the moisture generated by the ocean on the coastline, making this the wettest region of British Columbia with up to 130 inches of rain per year (400 cm). The ocean also keeps the climate more moderate (warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer), so temperatures throughout the year stay between 29°- 55°F (-1.5° - 13°C). This climate is good for tree growth and this region has the largest trees in British Columbia, including: western red cedar, yellow cedar, western hemlock, mountain hemlock, western yew, Douglas fir, grand fir, coastal redwood, Sitka spruce, lodgepole pine, western white pine , shore pine, Engelmann spruce, Garry oak, and Pacific dogwood. This coastal forest is considered temperate rainforest.

Moving inland, two Ecozones make up the central core of British Columbia – the Montane Cordillera Ecozone and the Boreal Cordillera Ecozone.

The Boreal Cordillera Ecozone includes the mountainous region in northern British Columbia. The spine of mountains on the western edge of this Ecozone blocks coastal moisture, making this a relatively dry region with only about 11 inches (30 cm) of rain per year. As you move east toward the Canadian Rockies, the rain and snow levels increase. This region is characterized by towering mountains, open plateau and forested valleys – all littered with glacial debris. The valley forests include: white, black and Engelmann spruces, alpine fir, lodgepole and whitebark pines, quaking aspen, balsam poplar, white, water and scrub birches, and willows. Up higher, forests give way to stunted trees, shrubs and rugged moss, lichens and herbs. These mountains support many mammals including: caribou, moose, Dall’s sheep, mountain goat, bison, black and grizzly bear, lynx, wolf, fox, coyote, river otter, weasel, mink, marmot, marten, ground squirrel, beaver, lemming, pika, and snowshoe hare.

The Montane Cordillera Ecozone includes most of southern British Columbia between the Coast Mountains in the west and Rocky Mountains in the east. The region is driest on the eastern slopes of the Coast Mountains – which block moisture from the ocean. As you move east to the Rocky Mountains, the moisture increases. This is a very mountainous region with forested valleys marked by glacial debris. Forests include: alpine and Douglas firs, lodgepole, western white and Rocky Mountain ponderosa pines, quaking aspen, western hemlock, Rocky Mountain red cedar, balsam poplar, paper birch, black, white and Engelmann spruces, and western larch. This is a biologically rich region supporting caribou, mule and white-tailed deer, moose, mountain goat, California bighorn sheep, elk, black and grizzly bear, wolf, lynx, bobcat, mountain lion, coyote, red fox, marten, wolverine, badger, marten, mink, skunk, marmot, ground squirrel, beaver, chipmunk, lemming, and pika.

In the northeastern corner of British Columbia is the Taiga Plains Ecozone – a cold, dry prairie with some river canyons along the MacKenzie River. This is a region that experiences fires regularly, so supports fire tolerant species like paper and dwarf birch, willows, quaking aspen, tamarack, green alder, white and black spruces, balsam poplar, lodgepole and jack pines, and balsam fir. This region supports fewer mammals, but  does include black bear, lynx, wolf, red fox, ermine, marten, woodland and barren-ground caribous, wood bison, moose, snowshoe hare, red squirrel, and arctic ground squirrel.

Below the Taiga Plains is a small region of Boreal Plains Ecozone with long, cold dry winters - much of the moisture blocked by the Rocky Mountains. This region was scraped flat by the glaciers and left with many lakes. There is forest of white and black spruce, balsam fir, jack pine, tamarack, white, water and Alaska birch, quaking aspen, willows, maple and balsam poplar. The region supports black bear, wolf, lynx, elk, mule and white-tailed deer, moose, caribou, bison, coyote, weasel, river otter, badger, striped skunk, muskrat, marten, fisher, beaver, woodchuck, Richardson's, Franklin's and thirteen-lined ground squirrels, chipmunks, porcupine, eastern cottontail, and snowshoe hare.

Canadian Province, British Columbia color map

Location Labeling Page

Canadian Province, British Columbia

Location Color Poster

Canadian Province - British Columbia ecozones

Mammal List

Badger (American) - Taxidea taxus
Bat (Big Brown) - Eptesicus fuscus
Bat (California Myotis) - Myotis californicus
Bat (Fringed Myotis) - Myotis thysanodes
Bat (Hoary) - Lasiurus cinereus
Bat (Keen’s Long-eared Myotis) - Myotis keenii
Bat (Little Brown Myotis) - Myotis lucifugus
Bat (Long-legged Myotis) - Myotis volans
Bat (Northern Long-eared Myotis)  - Myotis septentrionalis
Bat (Pallid) - Antrozous pallidus
Bat (Silver-haired) - Lasionycteris noctivagans
Bat (Spotted) - Euderma maculatum
Bat (Townsend’s Big-eared) - Corynorhinus townsendii
Bat (Western Long-eared Myotis) - Myotis evotis
Bat (Western Red) - Lasiurus blossevillii
Bat (Western Small-footed Myotis)  - Myotis ciliolabrum
Bat (Yuma Myotis) - Myotis yumanensis
Bear (Black) - Ursus americanus
Bear (Grizzly) - Ursus arctos
Beaver  - Castor canadensis
Beaver (Mountain) - Aplodontia rufa
Bighorn Sheep - Ovis canadensis
Bison - Bison bison
Bobcat - Lynx rufus
Caribou - Rangifer tarandus
Chipmunk (Least) - Tamias minimus
Chipmunk (Red-tailed) - Tamias ruficaudus
Chipmunk (Townsend’s) - Tamias townsendii
Chipmunk (Yellow-pine) - Tamias amoenus
Coyote - Canis latrans
Dall's Sheep - Ovis dalli
Deer (Fallow) - Dama dama
Deer (Red) - Cervus elaphus
Deer (Mule) - Odocoileus hemionus
Deer (White-tailed)  - Odocoileus virginianus
Elk - Cervus canadensis
Fisher - Martes pennanti
Fox (Red) - Vulpes vulpes
Hare (Snowshoe) - Lepus americanus
Jackrabbit (White-tailed) - Lepus townsendii
Lemming (Brown) - Lemmus trimucronatus
Lemming (Northern Bog) - Synaptomys borealis
Lynx (Canadian) - Lynx canadensis
Marmot (Hoary) - Marmota caligata
Marmot (Vancouver Island) - Marmota vancouverensis
Marmot (Yellow-bellied) - Marmota flaviventris
Marten (American) - Martes americana
Mink (American) - Neovison vison
Mole (Baird Shrew-mole) - Neurotrichus gibbsii
Mole (Townsend’s Mole or Bachman) - Scapanus townsendii
Mole (True Coast) - Scapanus orarius
Moose - Alces alces
Mountain Goat - Oreamnos americanus
Mountain Lion (Cougar, Puma) - Puma concolor
Mouse (Deer) - Peromyscus maniculatus
Mouse (Keen’s ) - Peromyscus keeni
Mouse (Great Basin Pocket ) - Perognathus parvus
Mouse (House) - Mus musculus - Introduced
Mouse (Meadow Jumping) - Zapus hudsonius
Mouse (Pacific Jumping) - Zapus trinotatus
Mouse (Western Harvest) - Reithrodontomys megalotis
Mouse (Western Jumping) - Zapus princeps
Muskrat  - Ondatra zibethicus
Opossum - Didelphis virginiana (Introduced)
Otter (River) - Lontra canadensis
Otter (Sea) - Enhydra lutris
Pika (Collared) - Ochotona collaris
Pika (Common) - Ochotona princeps
Pocket Gopher (Northern)  - Thomomys talpoides
Porcupine - Erethizon dorsatum
Rabbit (Eastern Cottontail) - Sylvilagus floridanus - Introduced
Rabbit (European) - Oryctolagus cuniculus - Introduced
Rabbit (Nuttall’s Cottontail) - Sylvilagus nuttallii
Raccoon  - Procyon lotor
Rat (Black) - Rattus rattus - Introduced
Rat (Norway) - Rattus norvegicus - Introduced
Shrew (Black-backed) - Sorex arcticus
Shrew (Cascade Mantled Ground) - Spermophilus saturatus
Shrew (Common) - Sorex cinereus
Shrew (Common Water) - Sorex palustris
Shrew (Dusky) - Sorex monticolus
Shrew (Merriam’s) - Sorex merriami
Shrew (Pacific Water) - Sorex bendirii
Shrew (Preble’s) - Sorex preblei
Shrew (Pygmy Shrew) - Sorex hoyi
Shrew (Trowbridge’s) - Sorex trowbridgii
Shrew (Tundra) - Sorex tundrensis
Shrew (Vagrant) - Sorex vagrans
Skunk (Striped) - Mephitis mephitis
Skunk (Western Spotted) - Spilogale gracilis
Squirrel (Arctic Ground) - Spermophilus parryii
Squirrel (Columbian Ground) - Spermophilus columbianus
Squirrel (Douglas’) - Tamiasciurus douglasii
Squirrel (Eastern Fox) - Sciurus niger
Squirrel (Eastern Gray) - Sciurus carolinensis
Squirrel (Golden-mantled Ground) - Spermophilus lateralis
Squirrel (Northern Flying)  - Glaucomys sabrinus
Squirrel (Red) - Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
Vole (Creeping) - Microtus oregoni
Vole (Heather) - Phenacomys intermedius
Vole (Long-tailed) - Microtus longicaudus
Vole (Meadow) - Microtus pennsylvanicus
Vole (Montane) - Microtus montanus
Vole (Northern Red-backed) - Clethrionomys rutilus
Vole (Southern Red-backed) - Clethrionomys gapperi
Vole (Townsend’s) - Microtus townsendii
Vole (Tundra) - Microtus oeconomus
Vole (Water) - Microtus richardsoni
Weasel (Least) - Mustela nivalis
Weasel (Long-tailed) - Mustela frenata
Weasel (Short-tailed or Ermine) - Mustela erminea
Wolf (Gray) - Canis lupus
Wolverine - Gulo gulo
Woodchuck  - Marmota monax
Woodrat (Bushy-tailed)  - Neotoma cinerea

Ocean Mammals:
Dolphin (Dall's) - Phocoenoides dalli
Dolphin (Harbour) - Phocoena phocoena
Dolphin (Long-beaked Common) - Delphinus capensis
Dolphin (Northern Right Whale) - Lissodelphis borealis
Dolphin (Pacific White-sided) - Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
Dolphin (Risso's) - Grampus griseus
Dolphin (Short-beaked Common) - Delphinus delphis
Dolphin (Striped) - Stenella coeruleoalba
Seal (Harbour) - Phoca vitulina
Seal (Northern Elephant) - Mirounga angustirostris
Seal (Northern Fur) - Callorhinus ursinus
Sea Lion (California) - Zalophus californianus
Sea Lion (Northern or Steller) - Eumetopias jubatus
Whale (Arch-beaked) - Mesoplodon carlhubbsi
Whale (Baird's Beaked) - Berardius bairdii
Whale (Blue) - Balaenoptera musculus
Whale (Common Minke) - Balaenoptera acutorostrata
Whale (Dwarf Sperm) - Kogia sima
Whale (False Killer) - Pseudorca crassidens
Whale (Fin) - Balaenoptera physalus
Whale (Grey) - Eschrichtius robustus
Whale (Humpback) - Megaptera novaeang liae
Whale (Killer) - Orcinus orca
Whale (North Pacific Right) - Eubalaena japonica
Whale (Pygmy Sperm) - Kogia breviceps
Whale (Sei) - Balaenoptera borealis
Whale (Short-finned Pilot) - Globicephala macrorhynchus
Whale (Sperm) - Physeter macrocephalus
Whale (Stejneger's Beaked) - Mesoplodon stejnegeri

For more details about British Columbia's Mammals: LINK

Color the Mammals

Canadian Province, British Columbia mammals coloring page

Label the Mammals

Canadian Province - British Columbia mammals labeling page


albatross (black-footed)
albatross (Laysan)
albatross (short-tailed)
accentor (Siberian)
auklet (Cassin's)
auklet (crested)
auklet (least)
auklet (parakeet)
auklet (rhinoceros)
avocet (American)
bittern (American)
bittern (least)
blackbird (Brewer's)
blackbird (red-winged)
blackbird (rusty)
blackbird (yellow-headed)
bluebird (eastern)
bluebird (mountain)
bluebird (western)
booby (brown)
bunting (indigo)
bunting (little)
bunting (Lazuli)
bunting (painted)
bunting (rustic)
caracara (crested)
catbird (gray)
chat (yellow-breasted)
chickadee (black-capped)
chickadee (boreal)
chickadee (chestnut-backed)
chickadee (mountain)
coot (American)
cormorant (Brandt's)
cormorant (double-crested)
cormorant (pelagic)
cormorant (red-faced)
cowbird (brown-headed)
crane (Demoiselle)
crane (sandhill)
crane (whooping)
creeper (brown)
crossbill (red)
crossbill (white-winged)
crow (American)
crow (northwestern)
cuckoo (black-billed)
cuckoo (yellow-billed)
curlew (bristle-thighed)
curlew (far eastern)
curlew (long-billed)
dipper (American)
dotterel (Eurasian)
dove (Eurasian collared)
dove (mourning)
dove (Oriental turtle-dove)
dove (white-winged)
dowitcher (long-billed)
dowitcher (short-billed)
duck (American black)
duck (American wigeon)
duck (Baikal teal)
duck (black scoter)
duck (Barrow's goldeneye)
duck (blue-winged teal)
duck (bufflehead)
duck (canvasback)
duck (cinnamon teal)
duck (common eider)
duck (common goldeneye)
duck (king eider)
duck (Eurasian wigeon)
duck (falcated)
duck (fulvous whistling)
duck (gadwall)
duck (garganey)
duck (greater scaup)
duck (green-winged teal)
duck (harlequin)
duck (King eider)
duck (lesser scaup)
duck (long-tailed)
duck (mallard)
duck (northern pintail)
duck (northern shoveler)
duck (redhead)
duck (ring-necked)
duck (ruddy)
duck (smew)
duck (spectacled eider)
duck (Stellar's eider)
duck (surf scoter)
duck (tufted)
duck (white-winged scoter)
duck (wood)
eagle (bald)
eagle (golden)
egret (cattle)
egret (great)
egret (snowy)
falcon (gyrfalcon)
falcon (peregrine)
falcon (prairie)
finch (Cassin's)
finch (house)
finch (gray-crowned rosy-finch)
finch (purple)
flicker (northern)
flycatcher (Acadian)
flycatcher (alder)
flycatcher (ash-throated)
flycatcher (dusky)
flycatcher (gray)
flycatcher (great crested)
flycatcher (Hammond's)
flycatcher (least)
flycatcher (olive-sided)
flycatcher (Pacific-slope)
flycatcher (scissor-tailed)
flycatcher (willow)
flycatcher (yellow-bellied)
frigatebird (magnificent)
fulmar (northern)
gnatcatcher (blue-gray)
godwit (bar-tailed)
godwit (Hudsonian)
godwit (marbled)
goldfinch (American)
goldfinch (lesser)
goose (Brant)
goose (cackling)
goose (Canada)
goose (Emperor)
goose (great white-fronted)
goose (Ross's)
goose (snow)
grackle (common)
grackle (great-tailed)
grèbe (Clarke's)
grèbe (eared)
grèbe (horned)
grèbe (pied-billed)
grèbe (red-necked)
grèbe (western)
greenfinch (Oriental)
grosbeak (black-headed)
grosbeak (blue)
grosbeak (evening)
grosbeak (pine)
grosbeak (rose-breasted)
grouse (dusky)
grouse (ruffed)
grouse (sharp-tailed)
grouse (sooty)
grouse (spruce)
guillemot (pigeon)
gull (Bonaparte’s)
gull (black-headed)
gull (black-tailed)
gull (California)
gull (Franklin's)
gull (glaucous)
gull (glaucous-winged)
gull (great black-backed)
gull (Heermann's)
gull (herring)
gull (Iceland)
gull (ivory)
gull (laughing)
gull (lesser black-backed)
gull (little)
gull (mew)
gull (ring-billed)
gull (Ross's)
gull (Sabine's)
gull (slaty-backed)
gull (Thayer's)
gull (western)
harrier (northern)
hawk (broad-winged)
hawk (Cooper's)
hawk (ferruginous)
hawk (red-tailed)
hawk (rough-legged)
hawk (sharp-shinned)
hawk (Swainson's)
heron (black-crowned night)
heron (great blue)
heron (little blue)
hummingbird (Anna's)
hummingbird (black-chinned)
hummingbird (broad-tailed)
hummingbird (calliope)
hummingbird (Costa's)
hummingbird (ruby-throated)
hummingbird (rufous)
hummingbird (Xantus's)
ibis (white-faced)
jaeger (long-tailed)
jaeger (parasitic)
jaeger (pomarine)
jay (blue)
jay (Clark's nutcracker)
jay (gray)
jay (pinyon)
jay (Steller's)
jay (western scrub)
junco (dark-eyed)
kestrel (American)
kestrel (Eurasian)
kingbird (eastern)
kingbird (thick-billed)
kingbird (tropical)
kingbird (western)
kingfisher (belted)
kinglet (golden-crowned)
kinglet (ruby-crowned)
kite (white-tailed)
kittiwake  (black-legged)
kittiwake  (red-legged)
knot (great)
knot (red)
lark (horned)
lark (sky)
longspur (chestnut-collared)
longspur (Lapland)
longspur (McCown's)
longspur (McKay's)
longspur (Smith's)
loon (common)
loon (Pacific)
loon (red-throated)
loon (yellow-billed)
magpie (black-billed)
martin (purple)
meadowlark (western)
merganser (common)
merganser (hooded)
merganser (red-breasted)
mockingbird (northern)
moorhen (common)
murre (common)
murre (thick-billed)
murrelet (ancient)
murrelet (Kittkitz's)
murrelet (marbled)
murrelet ((Xantus's)
nighthawk (common)
nighthawk (lesser)
nuthatch (pygmy)
nuthatch (red-breasted)
nuthatch (white-breasted)
oriole (Baltimore)
oriole (Bullock's)
oriole (hooded)
oriole (orchard)
owl (barn)
owl (barred)
owl (boreal)
owl (burrowing)
owl (flammulated)
owl (great gray)
owl (great horned)
owl (long-eared)
owl (northern hawk)
owl (northern pygmy)
owl (northern saw-whet)
owl (short-eared)
owl (snowy)
owl (spotted)
owl (western screech)
oystercatcher (black)
partridge (chuckar)
partridge (gray)
parula (northern)
pelican (brown)
pelican (American white)
petrel (Cook's)
petrel (mottled)
petrel (Murphy's)
petrel (Solander's)
phalarope (red)
phalarope (red-necked)
phalarope (Wilson's)
pheasant (ring-necked)
phoebe (black)
phoebe (eastern)
phoebe (Say's)
pigeon (band-tailed)
pigeon (rock)
poorwill (common)
pipit (American)
pipit (red-throated)
pipit (Sprague's)
plover (mountain)
plover (piping)
plover (semipalmated)
plover (snowy)
ptarmigan (rock)
ptarmigan (white-tailed)
ptarmigan (willow)
puffin (horned)
puffin (tufted)
quail (California)
rail (Virginia)
rail (yellow)
raven (common)
redshank (spotted)
redstart (American)
robin (American)
sandpiper (Baird's)
sandpiper (buff-breasted)
sandpiper (curlew)
sandpiper (least)
sandpiper (pectoral)
sandpiper (red-necked)
sandpiper (rock)
sandpiper (semipalmated)
sandpiper (sharp-tailed)
sandpiper (solitary)
sandpiper (spoon-billed)
sandpiper (spotted)
sandpiper (stilt)
sandpiper (Terek)
sandpiper (upland)
sandpiper (western)
sandpiper (white-rumped)
sandpiper (wood)
sapsucker (red-breasted)
sapsucker (red-naped)
sapsucker (Williamson's)
sapsucker (yellow-bellied)
shearwater (black-vented)
shearwater (Buller's)
shearwater (flesh-footed)
shearwater (Manx)
shearwater (pink-footed)
shearwater (short-tailed)
shearwater (sooty)
shrike (loggerhead)
shrike (northern)
skua (south polar)
solitaire (Townsend's)
snipe (Wilson's)
sparrow (American tree)
sparrow (Baird's)
sparrow (black-throated)
sparrow (Brewer's)
sparrow (chipping)
sparrow (clay-colored)
sparrow (fox)
sparrow (golden-crowned)
sparrow (grasshopper)
sparrow (Harris's)
sparrow (house)
sparrow (lark)
sparrow (LeConte's)
sparrow (Lincoln's)
sparrow (Nelson's)
sparrow (sage)
sparrow (Savannah)
sparrow (song)
sparrow (swamp)
sparrow (vesper)
sparrow (white-crowned)
sparrow (white-throated)
starling (European)
stilt (black-necked)
stint (little)
stint (red-necked)
stint (Temminck's)
stork (wood)
storm-petrel (ashy)
storm-petrel (fork-tailed)
storm-petrel (Leach's)
swallow (barn)
swallow (cliff)
swallow (northern rough-winged)
swallow (tree)
swallow (violet-green)
swan (mute)
swan (trumpeter)
swan (tundra)
swan (whooper)
swift (black)
swift (Vaux's)
swift (white-throated)
tanager (scarlet)
tanager (summer)
tanager (western)
tattler (wandering)
tern (Arctic)
tern (black)
tern (Caspian)
tern (common)
tern (elegant)
tern (Forster's)
tern (least)
thrasher (brown)
thrasher (sage)
thrush (blue rock-thrush)
thrush (dusky)
thrush (gray-cheeked)
thrush (hermit)
thrush (Swainson's)
thrush (varied)
towhee (green-tailed)
towhee (spotted)
tropicbird (red-billed)
turkey (wild)
turnstone (black)
turnstone (ruddy)
vireo (black-capped)
vireo (blue-headed)
vireo (Cassin's)
vireo (eastern warbling)
vireo (Hutton's)
vireo (Philadelphia)
vireo (red-eyed)
vireo (warbling)
vulture (black)
vulture (turkey)
wagtail (gray)
wagtail (white)
wagtail (yellow)
warbler (bay-breasted)
warbler (black and white)
warbler (blackburnian)
warbler (blackpoll)
warbler (black-throated blue)
warbler (black-throated gray)
warbler (black-throated green)
warbler (Canada)
warbler (Cape May)
warbler (chestnut-sided)
warbler (Connecticut)
warbler (hermit)
warbler (hooded)
warbler (MacGillivray's)
warbler (magnolia)
warbler (mourning)
warbler (Nashville)
warbler (orange-crowned)
warbler (palm)
warbler (pine)
warbler (prairie)
warbler (prothonotary)
warbler (Tennessee)
warbler (Townsend's)
warbler (Wilson's)
warbler (yellow)
warbler (yellow-rumped)
warbler (yellow-throated)
waterthrush (northern)
waxwing (Bohemian)
waxwing (cedar)
wheatear (northern)
whip-poor-will (Mexican)
woodpecker (acorn)
woodpecker (American three-toed)
woodpecker (black-backed)
woodpecker (downy)
woodpecker (hairy)
woodpecker (Lewis's)
woodpecker (pileated)
woodpecker (white-headed)
wren (Bewick's)
wren (canyon)
wren (house)
wren (marsh)
wren (Pacific)
wren (rock)
wren (sedge)
wren (winter)
yellowlegs (greater)
yellowlegs (lesser)
yellowthroat (common)

For more details about British Columbia's birds: LINK

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Canadian Province - British Columbia birds coloring page
Canadian Province - British Columbia birds labeling page

Ensatina (Common) - Ensatina eschscholtzii
Frog (Columbia Spotted) - Rana luteiventris
Frog (Northern Red-legged) - Rana aurora
Frog (Pacific Chorus) - Pseudacris (Hyla) regilla
Frog (Pacific Tailed) - Ascaphus truei
Frog (Wood) - Lithobates sylvaticus or Rana sylvatica
Newt (Rough-skinned) - Taricha granulosa
Salamander (Long-toed) - Ambystoma macrodactylum
Salamander (Northwestern) - Ambystoma gracile
Spadefoot (Great Basin) - Spea intermontana
Toad (Western) - Anaxyrus (Bufo) boreas

For more details about British Columbia's amphibians: LINK

Lizard (Pygmy Short-horned) - Phrynosoma douglasii
Rattlesnake (Western) - Crotalus oreganus
Skink (Western) - Plestiodon skiltonianus
Snake (Desert Night) - Hypsiglena chlorophaea
Snake (Gopher) - Pituophis catenifer catenifer
Snake (Rubber Boa) - Charina bottae
Snake (Sharp-tailed) - Contia tenuis
Snake (Western Yellow-bellied Racer) - Coluber constrictor
Turtle (Western Painted) - Chrysemys picta
Turtle (Western Pond) - Actinemys marmorata

Canadian Province - British Columbia amphibians and reptiles coloring page
Canadian Province - British Columbia amphibians and reptiles labeling page

Product Recommendation

Canada: British Columbia's Animals and Habitats: Mini-Posters, Coloring and Labeling Bundle - Downloadable Only

Get to know British Columbia’s Animals and Habitats with the British Columbia, Canada Bundle.
This includes 12 downloadable pages:

British Columbia Map with Provience Symbols (Color)
British Columbia Map with Provience Symbols (Black & White)
British Columbia Ecozone Map (Color)
British Columbia Mammals Coloring Page
British Columbia Mammals Labeling Page
British Columbia Birds Coloring Page
British Columbia Birds Labeling Page
British Columbia Amphibians and Reptiles Coloring Page
British Columbia Amphibians and Reptiles  Labeling Page
Northern Boreal Forest Mini-Poster (Color)
Pacific Maritime Forests of British Columbia Mini-Poster (Color)
Rocky Mountain Mini-Poster (Color)

Canada: British Columbia's Animals and Habitats: Mini-Posters, Coloring and Labeling Bundle - Downloadable Only

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