science education

North American Prairie - Build Giant COLOR Posters (Downloadable Only)

Price: $5.00

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This Bundle Includes:
1) Two 4-piece color posters – one with animal outlines and one without, ready to be assembled to 17” x 22” size.
2) Two pages of animals to be cut out and pasted onto the color poster (17 color animals).
3) One color mini-poster of the North American Prairie with animals (as a guide).

Materials Needed: 11 sheets of  heavier (or card stock) paper, scotch tape (invisible tape), glue stick, scissors, markers, colored pencils, crayons.

Instructions for Color Posters:
1) Print 4-piece color poster background on heavy paper. Trim edges on dotted lines and tape together.
2) Print two sheets of (18) animals on heavy paper and cut them out on the dotted lines (animals are not to scale).
3) Check your work on the small poster included in the bundle.


Copyright © 2020 Sheri Amsel • All rights reserved by author. Permission to copy for classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to classroom use only.

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