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Amphibians (Frogs, Toads, and Salamanders)

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Amphibians are one group (Class) of animals. They share some important traits.
1) Amphibians lay their eggs in the water.

2) When amphibians first hatch from their eggs in the water, they breathe oxygen through gills.

3) Amphibians develop lungs over time as they grow.

4) As they grow, amphibians change for life on land (near the water). This is called metamorphosis.

5) Amphibians will always return to the water to mate and lay eggs.

6) Amphibians are cold blooded. They will spend the winter in cold climates resting (in torpor), buried in the mud or leave litter.

There are three main groups (Orders) of amphibians:
• Frogs and Toads (Anura / Salientia)
• Salamanders (Caudata)
• Wormlike amphibians (Gymnophiona)

Amphibian Species

About Amphibians

Amphibians: Read and React

Class Amphibians

Amphibian Traits Mini-Poster

Animal Structure and Function - Amphibians - Mini-Poster

Amphibians – Multiple Choice Test

Amphibians Matching Traits Quiz

Amphibians Short Answer Quiz

Amphibians Structures and Functions - Matching

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District subscriptions provide huge group discounts for their schools. Email for a quote: has more than 2,000 illustrated animals. Read about them, color them, label them, learn to draw them.