science education

Adventure Book Bundle - Holiday Gift - SAVE $10 on 3 Books!

Price: $22.95

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Inspire your budding nature lovers with three exciting activity books:

Wild Science - 90 pages of activities that Bridge Outdoor Exploration with Classroom Science. Using Wild Science as a guide, rediscover your sense of wonder about the natural world and share it with the children you know.(Retails for $14.95)

Drawing North American Wildlife - A step by step guide to drawing wild animals found throughout North America: Prairie, Desert, Rocky Mountain, Deciduous Forest, Wetland and Coastal Habitats. Simple enough for a child to follow, but complete enough to satisfy beginning artists, naturalists, parents, and classroom teachers. 104 pages. (Retails for $9.95)

The Everything Kids Environment Book - Learn all about our environment and world habitats and how you can help keep them safe and healthy by getting involved at school, home or at play. 130 pages of cool environmental information, activities, experiments and games. Have fun while saving the planet! (Retails for $7.95)

*Book Bundle saves $10 off retail price ($33)
($7.50 shipping fee)